What a WordPress robots.txt File Is (And Why You Need One) When you create a new website, search engines will send their minions (or bots) to ‘crawl’ through it and make a map of all the pages it contains. That way, they’ll Read more…
Month: March 2019
Walk in infopark.. !! To process the payrolls by meeting the obligations such as TAT & accuracy levels as specified • To provide an effective and efficient payroll service to customers, ensuring the accurate and timely payment of their employees’ Read more…
Set Up a Redirect to a Custom Thank You Page To set up a redirect to a custom thank you page, follow these steps. Navigate to the Lists page. Click the drop-down menu next to the list you want to Read more…
Typescript Plugin : TypeScript support was introduced in NetBeans by a community contribution: A company named Everlaw made their NetBeans plug-in available as an Open Source package. Since then, new versions are released continuously, as can be seen on the Read more…